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Fun with Delay in Studio One or any other DAW

I was playing around with the new Studio One 5 updates to the Analog Delay VST plugin and decided that a video was in order, going through some of the features and fun that can be had with ANY delay.

Back in the beginning of my playing around with recording, one of the most fun things I used to spend some of my time doing was messing around with a casette 4-track recorder and an Alesis Quadraverb (recently sold on eBay, still working).  I had a lot of fun with the sounds I could produce with the delay in that unit and that hasn't really changed except that the quality is SO much better than it used to be and the ability to get things into a DAW quickly has enhanced the fun that it can be.  Couple that with the ability to record and edit these examples down and upload them for others to hear and to hopefully inspire them in the process?  Wow, what a technological marvel we have these days.  I love it!

So, I did this video for Youtube going through some parameters and examples that can be used on this new Delay plugin but probably available in just about any of them, free, paid, or included in your DAW.  I hope that this is inspiring to you to experiment with new ways that you can use the effect in your projects.

It's also worth noting that I spent some time yesterday in HitFilm Express creating my new "Stinger" intro.  I used that along with Studio One for the sound effects, created with a few patches from the Analog Lab 4 plugin that came with it.  I was previously using a template I got from Viddyoze, but after seeing that template used in a few other places and in the interest of building something new a creative myself, I did this one based on a Tutorial on how to use HitFilm effects and compositing.  Great fun - what do you think of the new Delay, the examples I gave, and the new Stinger.  I'd love to get your feedback down in the comments section.  Check out the video:

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