1 minute reading time (290 words)

Softube Plugin Collection Volume 5 and other VST Bundles

This post is about the value of plugin bundles of VST Effects and Instruments, specifically covering the newest bundle from Softube, makers of Console 1.  There is a video overview and reasoning for getting this bundle or not.

After numerous offers to purchase this bundle, I was finally given a price that I didn't want to refuse (as I have in the past).  You may or may not get as good a deal and certainly have your own value that you put on these kinds of plugin bundles. 

What's included?

These are some of the plugins that are included in the bundle - the ones that were most important to me and what swayed me.  I have broken this list down a little differently than they are on the Softube website so that it is easier to evaluate:

Console 1 Ready:

American Class A (API)
Summit Audio Grand Channel (and the EQF-100 and TLA-100A parts)
Weiss EQ MP
Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer
Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor
Trident A-Range (EQ)
Passive-Active Pack (EQ)
FET Compressor
Transient Shaper

Items that have tempted me before:

Amp Room
and the additions of the Marshall Plexi Super Lead
Marshall Cabinet Collection

Tape - in Studio One, this works as a MixFX processor

TSAR-1 Reverb (plus the smaller TSAR-1R)

Bonuses that make me smile:

Harmonics Analoag Saturation Processor
Fix Flanger, Fix phaser, Fix Doubler
Tube Delay

Statement Lead
Monoment Bass

I hope that this list makes it easier for you to look at and determine the value to you.  Here's a link to the actual bundle on their website:


Enjoy the video as well and of course, please share your reaction or comments here or on YouTube!

Color Toolbar v2 for PreSonus Studio One


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