The Blades.Technology Blog

Posts about Music, Technology, web and otherwise, and anything else that might come up.

Joomla! - Creating a Start Point for consistent site builds

One of the time-saving processes that I have learned is very important in the creation of Joomla! sites that are consistent is using a customized install to begin each site that we build.  I have created a video walk-through for this process below.  Want to save time in creating your custom Joomla! sites for clients?  This way will save a ton.  I can get to my preferred configuration that already includes my commonly template settings, framework install, and component configurations that I know work in a matter of minutes rather than hours.

Please watch the video on the next page.  If you found this useful to your process, please let me know.  A Donation to my cause on the right sidebar is very appreciated.  I know how many hours this process has saved me and going through it each time will probably save you time, effort, and money as well.

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2529 Hits

No More Advertisements!

 As you look at this site, I hope you notice that I have removed all of the advertisements.  

I previously had Google AdSense running on the site as well as some links by Vigilink.  In the many years I've been running this site, including the 100s of thousands of YouTube video hits I received since about 2008, I have earned a total of about $100.  That's about $10/year over the last 10 years.  In the process, I think it has made my site look uglier and has made the content less appealing to the visitors who come here.  So I've removed all of the Advertisements!

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  2850 Hits
2850 Hits

Joomla! Site Creation - The Development Tools

This post is about Joomla! - a content management system.  This is an alternative to the very popular system called WordPress.  I prefer Joomla! for a number of reasons, familiarity being one of them.

In a series of video and text lessons I hope to share the information needed to help you understand how you can take your knowledge and apply it to creating custom Joomla! sites yourself.

You will notice that you will see the company name "Technical Resource Solutions" show up in these videos here and again.  This is my own company that has been in business since 2003 providing Website design and development services along with IT services for businesses in the North Georgia area.

Certainly, by the time you see this video, some of the screenshots will be out of date, the websites I refernce will have changed, and likely, I will have decided on the use of different tools.  For example, I no longer use FileZilla as my FTP client, instead opting for WinSCP since it still allows drag and drop from the UI to folders in Windows Explorer.

This video is an introduction to the tools that we use to build our custom templates for Joomla! using the Joomlart T3 framework.

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2929 Hits

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