1 minute reading time (241 words)

Which EQ Should I Use?

EQ is a subject that can be broken down quite simply or drawn out into quite a dissertation, and in many circles, there is a lot of controversy about the answer to this Blog's question of Which EQ should I use.  Read on to find out more...

​It's a loaded question, really.  It starts with understanding what EQ is, moving on to what the purpose of n EQ is in the instance you are about to use it, and then travels down a path that can be quite long, entertaining, and even frustrating at times trying to figure out the exact perfect type, amount, and application of EQ to the sound in question.  If you have a bunch of tracks and busses, this can be a long and arduous process, but really it SHOULD be a lot of fun experimenting.

With moderns DAWs we have a lot of options to choose from, especially since there are quality options built in, available for cheap as 3rd party, and there is SO much to read about and to listen to.

I am working on a series of videos to help break down the mystery about which EQ makes sense for each use.  In this first entry into this series, I cover the really high level determination of the purpose of the EQ about to be used and the applications for a few general types.  This video should help you start the journey!

Which EQ? PreSonus ProEQ2 Explained
Studio One and Faderport 8/16 Workflow with Macros...


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