2 minutes reading time (425 words)

Angels or Devils - Dishwalla Cover

Dishwalla has been one of goto favorite bands since their first album, Pet Your Friends.  In my opinion, this is one of the premier rock bands of the 90s and 2000s.  I really liked them a lot with J.R. Richards as the lead singer but haven't really picked up on their stuff since he left.

This song is from the album Opaline from 2002.  I don't know that I ever heard it outside of listening to the CD itself, but it really has a great feel, message, and melody, as all Dishwalla songs seem to have.  Buy the "album" at Amazon here

I'm not sure I got all of the chords just right, especially in the bridge, but played what I heard and modified a few chord listings I found online for the song.

One FIRST for me on this one is the use of the Softube Console 1.  In fact, I didn't use much else on this.  

For the Guitar, I mic'd my Ovation 1861 Standard Baladeer for one channel and ran the piezo pickup and a convolution reverb for the other channel.

For the Electric, I used my Epiphone Les Paul Traditional Pro-II in the middle position and used effects from the Pod Farm VST plugin.

On the vocal, I used a Rode NT1 (my only real mic option, also used on the Ovation above).

The drums are the Pearl Mimic Pro played on the first preset kit called "Masters", based around samples of a Pearl Masters kit.  I am using primarily Roland pads with a few others mixed in, most notably the ATV 14" hi-hat and a self-made conversion of a DW snare to an e-snare.

For the mix, the only extra effects I used on this whole recording were the phaser on the vocal in the two verse "b" sections using the POD Farm VST and a plate reverb on the snare and the lead vocal provided by an IK Mulitmedia VST.

Everything else on here was the Console 1.  I set out originally to do this but as I got through the mix, I didn't really find a reason to add anything else.  This made me really happy, as that is the precise reason I bought the Console 1 to start with - goal achieved.

I hope you enjoy this cover recording and hope you will provide a comment or at least a "reaction" to the song below.

Multi-track Drum Recording - for hire
5 Reasons to Get a Console 1


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