2 minutes reading time (450 words)

No More Advertisements!

 As you look at this site, I hope you notice that I have removed all of the advertisements.  

I previously had Google AdSense running on the site as well as some links by Vigilink.  In the many years I've been running this site, including the 100s of thousands of YouTube video hits I received since about 2008, I have earned a total of about $100.  That's about $10/year over the last 10 years.  In the process, I think it has made my site look uglier and has made the content less appealing to the visitors who come here.  So I've removed all of the Advertisements!

​So, what's the catch?

Well, there's not really one.  You have probably come here from search or from a link on another site - likely a forum - to watch something entertaining or hopefully received some sort of education.  If you have have found value in the site in one way or another, I'd appreciate a small "tip".  Enough to buy a coffee or a beer would be quite welcome! :)

The reality is that I am VERY fortunate to have the things I have and I try to share my information and knowledge wherever possible.  I hope that this is worth something to someone.  Even a few dollars helps.  I like to provide new info, help, videos, etc and I hope it helps you to do whatever it is you are trying to do.

What is my goal? 

I want to get new things so that I can review them, post useful tips about them, and help others to learn, to increase their capabilities.  The next item at this time that I'd like to be able to get so that I can test it and review it is a Console One from Softube.  Ideally, I'd also like to get a few models to go with it.  If I do, I'll certainly post a review about it here - an unbiased one, giving my real and honest feedback.  Would that be useful?

For the folks on the WEB side of things, I'm also going to be continuing my Joomla! series of how to create custom websites.  I have all of the tools I need in that regard, so if you want to throw me a few bucks, it will help me on the music side! :)

Thanks for your Support! 

Whether you toss me a few bucks, comments on my posts or videos, or just give a reaction to my information, your input is well-received and welcomed.  I want this site to be useful to others, not just myself.  I hope you have enjoyed the site, the tutorials, the blog posts, and other information found here.

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Studio One Track Colors


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